
Kindergarten For many children, kindergarten is the first larger community with rules and opportunities for contact that they experience outside the family. The goal of our work is to promote the children and their development individually, holistically and according to their age and to educate them to become independent and socially capable personalities. We strive to introduce the children very quickly to the social interaction of the kindergarten groups. Kindergarten children who have no or only very insufficient knowledge of German take part in DaF (German as a foreign language) lessons.

In addition to the daily language bath, children from the age of three are offered targeted language support. For this purpose, the groups are divided according to age and language level. The kindergarten is oriented towards the following educational areas, which are also anchored in the Quality Framework for Kindergartens and Preschools of the Central Office for the School System Abroad (ZFA).

The kindergarten accepts children between the ages of 3 and 6 in the kindergarten and preschool groups and is run as an all-day facility with lunch.

A detailed schedule provides the necessary structure for the children’s daily play and learning activities. Through a varied choice of topics, the lessons are interesting and open to children of all nations, whose cultural differences are seen as a complement and enrichment to the German culture. Parental cooperation is desired and encouraged. 

A harmonious and goal-oriented cooperation for the benefit of the children shapes the character and intensity of the relationship with the parents.


Welcome to the Primary School of the German Embassy School Tehran. Our dedicated elementary school team works together to ensure that your children can develop optimally, that they are supported and challenged according to their abilities, and that they acquire solid basic skills for a successful start to secondary school.

In order to promote the language skills of our students individually, we use differentiated learning and support concepts, which we constantly evaluate and develop further. In addition to the development of subject and methodological skills, we place great emphasis on the children’s development into independent and self-confident learners.

We look forward to your children and to a good working relationship with you.

Small, manageable classes are a characteristic of the German School. The diversity of mother tongues in the elementary school is taken into account with special support programs in German (German as a second language, reading and spelling training). Great importance is attached to social learning in order to make it easier for new children to get started and to educate the students to be tolerant and peaceful with each other.

Regular physical education classes in the hall and exercise breaks on the large outdoor grounds meet the elementary school students’ need for exercise. In the morning, the elementary school provides 6 hours of reliable instruction with regularly supervised breakfast. At noon, the children have the opportunity to eat lunch together in the cafeteria. Afterwards, homework supervision is offered for all classes. The morning lessons are supplemented by a comprehensive range of afternoon work groups (AGs).

Annual highlights of elementary school life are project days, excursions, field trips, reading competitions and German and Iranian festival

Secondary level I

The secondary level I comprises the grades 5 – 10. Grade 5 is run as an orientation level assigned to the Gymnasium. The orientation stage serves as a preparation, support and differentiation with regard to the placement in the secondary school forms after grade 5: Gymnasium, Realschule, Hauptschule. In regular orientation level conferences, the learning development of the students is observed and measures for individual support are discussed so that a school career decision can be made at the end of grade 5. From grade 6 on, the school essentially follows grammar school learning objectives.

Realschule and Hauptschule students are included in the Gymnasium classes on a differentiated basis and receive special support according to their needs and the requirements of the curriculum. From grades 5-8, the school offers remedial English or French classes for new students as needed, as well as remedial German classes for students whose native language is not German.

 In grades 5 – 10, the timetable is continuously expanded to include subjects that are increasingly academic in nature. The intermediate level prepares students for the special requirements of the upper secondary level by teaching and applying methodological and subject-related skills. The students’ linguistic and intercultural competencies are promoted through bilingual instruction (German/English) in the subjects of art from grade 1 and physics and geography from grade 9. Grade 10 is of particular importance. For Realschule students, it is the conclusion of their school career; for Gymnasium students, it is the first introductory phase of the Gymnasiale Oberstufe.

Secondary Level II

The gymnasiale Oberstufe comprises grades 10 – 12.

Class 10 forms the introductory phase, and classes 11 and 12 the qualification phase. It is concluded with the final examination, which corresponds to the German International Abitur and entitles the student to unrestricted access to higher education. The subjects German, English, and Mathematics are taught at a higher level of difficulty. Due to the size of the school, classes in the qualification phase are not taught in a course system, but in class groups. The emphasis of the upper school is on the students’ personal responsibility and a high quality of work. This includes self-motivation, concentration, time management, the acquisition of materials and information, the use of appropriate aids as well as exam and work preparation.