
We offer an excellent German as a foreign language program (DAF), hosting the region’s largest in-school German Language Center to ensure a seamless transition into the German curriculum for non-native speakers.  The transition is 2 years, in which the students are specifically prepared for the language requirements of the upper school and are thus led to the DIA (German International Abitur). The goal is the successful integration of these students into the German school.


Since the beginning of DL, we have been using a unified format of Farsi lessons so that the students can follow the lessons’ instructions more easily. We have had some research based projects, story writing, videos and storytelling as well. We are editing and subtitling the videos of students’ work which will soon be uploaded on the school’s website.


We have been using different methods of lesson design including videos, audios, E-books, audio books, online games and quizzes made by the teachers, and also different platforms for different levels such as Seesaw, What’sApp and Skype to simulate a classroom-like experience for the students. Besides learning how to use different applications and softwares to produce teaching content, we have been attending some online training courses and webinars to make sure we are using the latest online teaching methods and platforms.