Stay Connected

To communicate with us, you can contact us using the communication methods mentioned on this page. Our colleagues will contact you as soon as possible. Also, if you are one of our current companions, you can send us your criticisms or suggestions through the form placed on this page to help us improve the provision of educational services to your children.

Phone Number

+98 21 22 60 49 02 | +98 21 22 60 49 03
+98 21 22 61 86 57 | +98 21 22 61 66 94

Mail Address

School Address

Shariati, under the Sadr Bridge Shahid Keshani Str. (Mahale Darbdowom) Tehran/Iran.

Post Address

Deutsche Botschaftsschule Teheran P.O.
Box 11365-3945
Teheran - Iran


Auswärtiges Amt
Botschaft Teheran
11020 Berlin